Providing civil legal services to Brooklynites in need is critical, but Access Justice Brooklyn can’t do it alone. Everyone, whether an attorney or not, can help expand access to the legal system and realize a vision of justice for all. Below are easy and convenient ways to support our services and programming throughout the year:

Learn how to donate via a donor-advised fund.
Explore Other Ways to Give:
Shop for AJB: Save 20% off stationery and custom gifts all year and Minted will donate 15% of each purchase to Access Justice Brooklyn when you use our special discount code. Visit and use code FUNDRAISEACCESSJUSTICE at checkout.
If you prefer to mail your contribution to our office, please print out our donation form and send to:
Access Justice Brooklyn, Attn: Development Department, 271 Cadman Plz E Ste. 2, #22640, Brooklyn, NY 11201
You can leave a lasting legacy and further our mission with our special naming and sponsorship opportunities. For more information, email Melissa Starr, Senior Director of Development & Strategic Initiatives.