COVID-19 FAMILY LAW INFORMATION (click here for printable PDF)
As COVID-19 persists, public health remains a primary nationwide concern. Unfortunately, we are also now seeing the most vulnerable community having to deal with difficult family decisions surrounding custody, visitation, and child support. Like most, you may be experiencing a great deal of uncertainty and fear around COVID-19 and its impact on your family.
To help alleviate community concerns, we have compiled a list of useful family law updates and guidelines to help you navigate through this difficult time. Updates will be posted on our website as new developments emerge.
For information filing emergency petitions: (646) 386-5299
Coronavirus Court Hotline: (833) 503-0447
New York City Family Court is currently open and hearing cases virtually by telephone and video conference. – Court Filings Notice
New custody petitions and violation of custody orders can be filed electronically or via mail.
While the court allows for limited walk-in access, petitions can be filed by mail and electronically for child support and modification of child support orders. Orders entered will be retroactive to the date of the filing of the petition – Support Petitions
All criminal court, family court and Supreme Court orders of protection are extended by administrative order – Click here for the official order
In the evenings and/or on weekends, clients should call NYC’s 24-hour Domestic Violence Hotline 800-621-4673. For emergencies, as always, call 911.
Family Justice Centers (FJC), for survivors of domestic violence, staffed by nonprofit and city staff, are available remotely to provide guidance on immediate safety planning, shelter assistance, and community resources. From Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM, clients can call their nearest FJC (information available here).
A helpful resource for safety planning during COVID-19 be found here.
Tips for creating a tailored safety plan for specific situations in your home, community, and online can be found here.
Children with parents who no longer live together because of separation or divorce have difficult decisions to make during this time. Following the guidelines below and talking with your divorce attorney are the best ways to handle custody and visitation concerns:
Please be aware that custody and visitation orders are still in effect. However, if your child, someone in your household or someone in the other parent’s household has COVID symptoms, then you should communicate with the other parent and explain your concerns.
Do not use this crisis as an excuse to keep the child away from the non-custodial parent because of anger or resentment. In the future, a family court judge may question if your actions were reasonable and may hold your decisions against you. Both parents should keep emails and texts to show their effort to offer, change, or make-up visits.
If you believe that following the normal visitation schedule puts the child’s health in danger, then:
Change pick-up and drop off locations and/or time to limit exposure.
Consider other ways for the child to see the non-custodial parent that limits the exposure to COVID.
Offer FaceTime visits, Skype visits, Zoom calls, phone calls, online games, or other meaningful ways of having the child and non-custodial parent remain in contact if in-person visitation is not safe.
Schedule make-up visits for when the COVID symptoms are gone or when traveling is easier.
If you – or someone you know – have legal questions and would like legal help, please call our intake help line at (718) 624-3894 or by starting an online intake.
Access Justice Brooklyn
203 Jay Street, Suite 300
Brooklyn, NY 11201